Monday, July 27, 2009

AUGUST CLASSES. . . Super nice!

It finally feels like summer in Chicago! :-)

Beginner Classes starting in August:

SPANISH- Tuesday, 6-8 pm, for 10 weeks (8/18)
Saturday, 10 am-1 pm, for 7 weeks (8/15)

FRENCH-Thursday, 6-8 pm, for 10 weeks (8/13)

KOREAN- Monday, 6-8 pm, for 10 weeks (8/17)

RUSSIAN- Thursday, 6-8 pm, for 10 weeks ** postponed to (8/20)

JAPANESE-Tuesday, 6-8 pm, for 10 weeks (8/18)
Saturday, 1:00-3:00 pm, for 10 weeks (8/15)

ITALIAN- Monday (5-7 pm) & Thursday (6-8 pm), for 4 weeks (8/3) OR
Tuesday, 6-8 pm, for 10 weeks (8/18)

DUTCH- Thursday, 6-8 pm, for 10 weeks (8/20)

ARABIC- ** changed to Wednesday, 6-8 pm, for 10 weeks (8/5) as per students request.
NEW! Thursday, 6-8 pm, for 1o weeks (8/20)

PORTUGUESE- Monday, 6-8 pm, for 10 weeks (8/17)

CHINESE- TBA (probably end of August).

New! POLISH- Tuesday, 6-8 pm, for 10 weeks (8/18)

ENGLISH- Monday & Wednesday, 6-8 pm, for 5 weeks (8/3)

Other levels and scheduling options available, including morning and Saturday lessons. Please contact us for details.

tel. 312-234-9835 FREE LEVEL EVALUATION!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Small Beginner Classes (2-5 students) :

Portuguese- starts this Thursday, July 23rd (6-8 pm).

Arabic- next Tuesday, July 28th (6-8 pm)

Italian- Monday and Thursday, starts next Monday, July 27th (6-8 pm)

Dutch- We have one student enrolled!! Please help us find a second student to form a class ASAP!

For more information, please call 312-234-9835 or e-mail

Monday, July 13, 2009


Language Loop welcomes the most fascinating people in the world!!

We met Ryoichi (picture, above) over a year ago when he came to Chicago to complete a very important project as a producer. At that time, he joined Language Loop to work on his English skills at an advanced level.

This pic was shot in Hokkaido, north island of the Japan Archipelago. He sent it to us a few weeks ago with a note informing that he couldn't make it to our summer party.

Ryoichi always finds ways to make you feel better. . .

Isn't that background amazing? He looks so relaxed!! Going to Japan, anyone??? :-)))

Beginner SPANISH AND RUSSIAN classes start this WEDNESDAY, JULY 15TH!

Going to visit a friend in Kiev? Planning a trip to Machu Pichu?

Small Spanish and Russian classes (2-5 students) start this Wednesday, July 15th. Meet on Wednesdays, 6:00 pm-8:00 pm, for 10 weeks. *Spaces available as of 7/16/09. You are on time to join us!*

Other levels available.

For more information, please call Language Loop at 312-234-9835 or e-mail us at