Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Expecting a Brazilian-American girl. . .

Valerie, from Brazil, has been our angel for two and half years. Now, she is expecting a little angel that will be named Bella Sophia. We already have a nickname for the baby: Belinha! Pronounced be-lin-ya. :-)) It means little beauty. Can't wait to hear Valerie speaking Portuguese with her. . . Sweet!

1 comment:

Valerie & Brian said...

Oi Johanna!
Obrigada pela homenagem :)
It was a great joy to work with you and LLP's family. I miss everyone already...I hope that you are doing well. Belinha and I have plans to see you on X-Mas! I can't wait to take her with me next year for a visit at LP to meet all of you.

Love, Val/Valeria/Valerie & Valeriazinha.